Saturday, March 7, 2015

Journey to Bone Marrow Transplant

Hello again!!

I know I'm very late in blogging sometimes I get caught up playing GTA and forget to blog that day as well as I have been going back to the hospital for appointments. I left off my last blog stating that I'm currently getting ready to get a bone marrow transplant and I've recently finally got the green light to start the process. Now for everyone to better understand this because I know the first thing I thought of when the term "bone marrow transplant" was said was surgery and a big one and now I have to find a donor which we all know how long the process can sometimes be as we see it play out on shows like Grey's Anatomy (which I have to say so myself I'm really into and have been religiously watching on Netflix).

There are 2 types of transplants: autologous which means it comes from yourself in other words no donor needed which is what I'm having and allogenic which is where a donor is needed, the kind of transplant we hear and see more of. The way that autologous works is that my stem cells will get collected in the form of dialysis from my blood and then returned back to my body later on. Crazy huh? No major surgery and sounds so simple. I will be in the hospital for a minimum of 2 weeks which I have already began preparing by packing and getting decorations together so that I can make my room more 'homey'. I was finally able to get a tour of where I will be staying which was nice. I've also been trying to enjoy my freedom before I'm cooped up in a room for so long.

I recently got my updated calendar from my BMT coordinator and I have a tentative admission date of April 7th (I get to enjoy both my birthday and Easter! Yay!). So from now on I'll be traveling back and forth to the hospital getting ready for the BMT. I know this blog is a bit on the short side I kind of rushed to get this posted as soon as possible since I know I've been slacking in posting another blog and I've already been asked when I was going to post my next one. I'm definitely going to blog next about my experience while getting my trifusion line placed as it was very interesting... let's just say waking up from it felt like I had been drinking all morning lol.

Once again thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my blog I appreciate it! I'm so sorry for the delay!! I'm going to post more stay tuned!


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